Dear Halshan Customers,
I want to inform our customers that because we are a USDA/ FDA inspected facility, there is no concern of any contaminated meats including Bird Flu contamination reaching the shelves for resale. Please read all the information below for more information . The full guide is available on the FDA website.
- All meat- and poultry-derived ingredients is United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)-inspected and passed for human consumption.
- The USDA, which oversees the slaughtering of animals for human consumption, would not allow diseased or disabled animals into the plant for processing in the first place.
- Meat and meat byproducts not directly suitable for animal food that are designated as 4-D (dead, dying, diseased or disabled). These are considered adulterated—unless processed in a manner that rids them of disease-causing microorganisms prior to becoming animal feed. This is most often done by rendering, which subjects the materials to heat and pressure to eliminate harmful bacteria. Raw materials that may have come from diseased or disabled animals are prohibited from use as raw animal feed or raw pet food.